Iva Radivojević

Iva Radivojevic est née à Belgrade et a passé ses premières années en Yougoslavie, à Chypre et finalement à New York. Artiste et cinéaste, elle partage actuellement son temps entre Athènes et Lesbos. Les films d’Iva ont été projetés au New York Film Festival, New Directors/New Films, Rotterdam IFF, CPH:DOX, Berwick Film & Media Arts Festi- val, DocLisboa, Museum of Modern Art (NYC), Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art et ont été commandés par ARTE La Lucarne et Field of Vision. Elle est lauréate de la bourse Sundance Art of Non Fiction, de la bourse Guggenheim, de la bourse Jerome, de la bourse NYFA, du Princess Grace Special Project Award et de la Film Fellow- ship. Avenue of The Living, son nouveau livre d’art, a récemment été publié par Big Black Mountain Press. Elle est doctorante à la Villa Arson à Nice.

Iva Radivojevic was born in Belgrade and spent her early years in Yugoslavia, Cyprus and eventually NYC. She is an artist and filmmaker who currently divides her time be- tween Athens and Lesbos. Iva’s films have screened at the New York Film Festival, New Directors/New Films, Rotterdam IFF, CPH:DOX, Berwick Film & Media Arts Festi- val, DocLisboa, Museum of Modern Art (NYC), Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art and were commissioned by ARTE La Lucarne and Field of Vision. She is the recipi- ent of the Sundance Art of Non Fiction Fellowship, Guggenheim Fellowship, Jerome Fellowship, NYFA Fellowship, Princess Grace Special Project Award and Film Fellow- ship. Avenue of The Living, her new art book was recently published by Big Black Mountain Press. She’s a PhD candidate at Villa Arson in Nice.

portait de Iva  Radivojević