La lutte pour l’autodétermination palestinienne entre 1960 et 1980 a été soutenue par de nombreux mouvements radicaux de gauche à travers le monde. Mohanad Yaqubi convoque, dans un subtil film de montage, une collection de films militants tournés à l’époque en territoire palestinien, doublés et diffusés au Japon.
The growing struggle for Palestinian self-determination between 1960 and 1980 was supported by radical left-wing movements worldwide, also in Japan. This is illustrated by a collection of 16mm films by militant filmmakers from various countries, which were dubbed and screened in Japan. Their Japanese audiences felt oppressed by the US after World War II, and not only sympathized but also identified with the Palestinians.
This screening is part of United Screens for Palestine. This initiative is an open collective of programmers responding to global film initiatives which serve as platforms for substantive discussions and an earnest exploration of the historical narrative of Palestine.
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Festivals :
- Jerusalem International Film Festival 2022 (Prix Olive d’Or)
- IDFA 2022 (premiere mondiale)
- True/False Film Festival 2023
- Marrakesh International Film Festival 2022